Kansas State Board of Education 4
- Transparency, conversation, common sense, excellence
- Strive to be an advocate for parents, an advocate for teachers, an advocate for students.
- Back to the basics in education to get our students back on track to productive, healthy happy lives.
Students need to be met where they are at in life. They should not be purposefully exposed to trauma, or age-inappropriate actions or words through the classroom or library.
Teachers should be fully supported in the classroom. Excessive mandated paperwork and extras in curriculum should be minimized so teachers can concentrate on students and educating to excellence with age-appropriate curriculum.
Teachers are being pushed to act in the role of parent, act in the role of mental health advisor, act in the role of family counselor, having to incorporate inappropriate subjects, with larger class sizes and low pay. This is not sustainable.
Parents are the God-given teachers for their children and when parents allow others to also teach their children, the parent’s voices should be heard.
Parents want their children to be educated to excellence with basics such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. Anything else is negotiable.
When further studies are introduced they should be age appropriate.